Tuesday, 15 July 2008

suspended birthday

Its my birthday this weekend, hubby and I planned to go for a romantic week in Europe where we will spend my 32nd birthday together in a decent restaurant eating decent food and having a relaxing time away from the kids. You can imagine my disappointment when we received a wedding invitation addressed to both of us for Friday, slap bang in the middle of our plans...
Now....my husband hates weddings and matters of mass social gatherings....but this particular wedding we have to attend :s....
Its a mixed wedding..the lady celebrating her marriage is a friend of the family...Its in a place that my husband has fond memories of...and he doesn't want to miss it.

Could I be the selfish wife and refuse to change my plans? could I really have him miss this social event of the year? (yes, that is sarcasm you detect in my tone!)

No, I can't, we're going to the wedding and cutting the trip short, anything is better than nothing.. I'm getting used to being disappointed and having to settle for what I can get. Not what i dreamed marriage was about, but......you know.


Anonymous said...

Hello from Florida. :)

Life does have a way of getting in the way of our romantic ideals. :( But then again, life also has a way of dropping romantic surprises on us. :) I hope the wedding will turn out to be a fun substitute for your birthday dinner.

That said, cheer up! There are more weekends to come. That romantic dinner with your beloved will still happen. ;) Enjoy!

Rose Bud said...

Traveling is one of the most ligitimate excuses for missing an occasion. Now all you have to do is persuade hubby! Happy Birthday!

Caught in the middle said...

anon: I know, there will be many weekends and many birthdays, but every day that passes is from my life and every cancelled moment adds to my disappointment....
Rose bud: your absolutely right....its the persuasion part I suck at... thanks for the birthday wish.

Anglo-Libyan said...

wishing you a happy birthday inshaAllah.

AdamSha said...

bed is the best romantic place

MaySoon said...

Wish you a Happy Birthday!

Hiba said...

happy birthday To you

Caught in the middle said...

Thank you all for your wishes, I'm officialy 32..
Anglo Libyan - Thanks so much.
adamsha - no comment... :)
Maysoon and lovelyh - thanks for the birthday wish.