Monday 30 June 2008

Hello to all who read this.

I'm new at blogging, never done it before and never read any, till one day sitting at work bored out of my brain (this doesn't happen frequently), I decided to do some searching and came across many Libyan bloggers.

I loved it!

I don't know if its a fascination with peoples lives and experiences that I love or just the fact that there are people out there that really need to talk and share.

I really need to talk. Real friends a scarce in Libya, I've been back home now for a few years after growing up in the UK and yearn for my friends back home. yes, I call it home and I always will. They say home is were the heart is, my heart is definitely there.


on the edge said...

Welcome to the blogosphere and welcome home to Libya . It is hard to make friends here in Libya . My children found it very difficult when we moved back to Libya . They were teenagers and used to life in America . My 2 daughters are now married and living in the US , while my son is married here .Good luck in all your endeavors .And I hope your adjustment gets easier .

on the edge said...

Oh I will add you to my links on my blog .