Sunday, 18 January 2009

And we continue to stand back and watch...

We can close our eyes and pretend that nothing is going on,
we can stop watching and carry on with our lives as normal,
we have a choice....
what do they have....


Anglo-Libyan said...

I keep coming back, how can anyone do this?????

Pinky Tabor said...

this moved me to tears and threw me on my knees to pray. everytime i see images of these in the news, i feel so immobile and yet wanting so bad to go there and help. again, i can but only pray. are there other ways for us to help stop this thing?

Anonymous said...

The saddest thing looking at these horrifying images is that I can just sit and look at them. I get overwhelmed with sadness for the innocence of these people. It makes me want to get up and help, yet I don't know how to. I don't want to be one of those people that sit back and watch. Like its part of out everyday routine. Something has to be done.

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