Thursday, 21 August 2008

Thursday's here!!!!

Only 8 hours to go till the weekend officially starts, I have allot planned, mostly getting ready for Ramadan, you know chopping and freezing. I'm with them downstairs in Ramadan, yes...for the whole month, its not so bad, I'm looking forward to it this year.

I'd like to say happy Ramadan to all who read this.
To all the woman who will be stuck in the kitchen for most of it, may Allah bless you.
To all those who are away from home may Allah give you strength.

I always feel for those who are abroad especially in non-Muslim countries, my brother is in the UK and he's always had to fend for himself, during Ramadan its doubly difficult.

It's a good day today.


Anglo-Libyan said...

until an hour ago I thought today was Friday, now I have to wait until tomorrow 5pm for my weekend to start :oS

Ramadan this year is going to be more difficult here (UK) as days are getting longer, Allah Kareem and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

thank 4 your wishes.i wonder how ii be this Ramadan in the UK,because it is 4 me the 1st time i am fasted abroad.

Rose Bud said...

Have a blessed Ramadan!

on the edge said...

Ramadan Kareem to you and your family this year !!!

Rose Bud said...

Happy Ramadan.

Rose Bud said...

Ok I can see that I already told you Happy Ramadan. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones. lol

I'm glad to hear your fairing well this year. As for schools, my parents went through that and more trying toplace us when we moved there. At that time, there were even less options. Then best thing you could do for your child if you plann on staying in Libya for a while is find a private LIBYAN school that also teaches English. Belive me, they wil get a better education. It might not look pretty but they will get a decent education at a better price to you and your family. (- IMS graduate, sort of)